Thursday, April 5, 2007

IF what you were believing was Wrong, would you want to know the Truth?

What kind of person would I be if you were drowning going to die, and I knew I could help save you by throwing you a life preserver or swim out to save your life, but did nothing to keep you from dying? Would you be angry, think me to be a coward?

I pray that God will open your eyes and heart to what I am about to tell you to be the truth. Not because I say its the truth, but the almighty God has revealed it in His word the Bible. You say But you don't believe the bible to be Gods word..........What you believe about the bible has nothing to do with the fact you will be judged by it anyway. 2 Timothy 3:16 says "All scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching , for reproof, for correction, for training in rightousness
This may be the only life preserver you get the rest of your life. We are all going to die, and the bible says in Hebrews 9:27 " it is appointed for men (women) once to die , and after this comes judgement! This says that God knows your appointment with death, then you will be judged by Him. Do you see a problem here? I do? It never gave us the date we would die, it just said we would die...........So how long you live is uncertain to say the least. Most people believe that they will live to be at least 70 years of age maybe longer. And the sad thing is they live as if there were no God. Or they say in the future sometime I will live for God, when I'm ready.

DO you want to know what the biggest lie in the world is?

Satan the enemy of God wants you to believe you have plenty of time before you die to give God His intended place in your life..........he knows if you will put it off long enough you will die and be eternally separated from God. Matter of fact he knows you will go to be with him forever in the lake of fire......HELL! Some of you are going to say "There is NO Devil ".......plain and simple thats his SECOND Best Lie! Satan is the father of lies! The bible plainly speaks about him over and over again hundreds of times, because he is the enemy of God and wants to deceive you into believing his lies because we are made in Gods image and likeness. And he HATES GOD and now you.

As far as how much time you have to live:

Of the 2,400,000-plus Americans who die each year, over 45,000 are killed in transport accidents. The number of homicides, poisonings, and drunk driving fatalities are roughly the same, at around 17,000 each. Perhaps more surprisingly, a stunning 178,000 Americans die from medical or hospital error every year.

All you have to do is read your newspaper or watch the news. Look how many died in the twin towers when they were hit by terrorist. Do you think they knew, that was their last day to live? I think you get my point. My point here is that how long we are going to live, you don't have the answer, only God. Life is so uncertain. The bible says in 2 Corinthians 6:2 Behold now is "The Acceptable time," behold NOW is "The Day of Salvation"

So what about this JUDGEMENT that comes after death, whats that all about?

First of all God is the judge, it is His standards that we failed to live a perfect life by. The Bible says in Romans 3:23 " For all have sinned, and have fallen short of the standards set by God." Let me ask you .......Do you think this includes YOU and Me? It says ALL have Sinned....that includes everyone! It was Gods standard for us to live a perfect, sinless life.......I know what your thinking .....No one who ever lived was sinless and perfect. YES....there is one person......the Son of God, Jesus Christ because he was God. In Hebrews 4:15 it says Jesus was tempted in all ways as we are, yet without sin.While he was God in the flesh on earth almost 2000 years ago. Temptation is the invitation to live independent of God to fulfill legitimate needs not Gods way but your own. When you fulfill that need your way , not Gods intented way thats sin.

About the judgement after we die:

God says in Romans 6:23 " For the wages of sin is Death" other words your just punishment for sin , breaking Gods moral law is death .....Eternal separation from God! The Bible describes this death as THE Bottomless Pit, The Lake of Fire,Fire and Brimstone, Eternal Darkness where there will be Weeping and Gnashing of Teeth. Gnashing is what happens when your in extreme pain or your angry because you BLEW IT or both. I know what you are thinking I'm talking about HELL.........And you think a loving God would never send someone like yourself to Hell!

YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT ! He doesn't send you there, You choose where you will spend Eternity! By the way, if you think HELL isn't a real place.........Your buying into Satans 3RD GREATEST LIE.....The Bible says that Hell was prepared for Satan and his Demons......And he wants you to be there with him.The bible says in Revelations 20:15 "And if anyones name is not written in the book of life, He will be thrown in the lake of fire."

The Good News is God has given you away out of spending Eternity forever separated from Him and His Wrath falling upon you.

You can have your name in the book of life, so you never have to worry about going to Hell again! It was never God's intention to judge us to Eternal Damnation and Separation from Him! It was His intention because He loves us, to have fellowship with us, impart himself to us and become one with it was way back in the Beginning in the Garden of Eden. But guess what? Adam and Eve had that kind of relationship with God....They used to walk and talk with God in the Garden. But they were deceived by Satan to question what God told them not to do. So like you and I we think we know whats best for our life ......Control our own lives.......and sin against God and live for the temporary pleasures that break Gods moral laws. There is pleasure in sin but, it leads to DEATH. Why do you think before you sin its called Temptation? If you didn't think you gaining some short term pleasure from wouldn't be tempted. Did you know you are suppose to take all thoughts captive to the obedience of God. You can only do this once you commit your life to God. GOD HATES SIN. Gods laws are good, they point out just how sinful we are and how we can not help but break Gods law because of our sinful nature. And they try to keep us from doing things that will harm us and prevent us from living with things in our life that were not Gods intentions for us. Example ....GOD CREATED SEX......between a man and a woman......that it be done ONLY in marriage. He made it for us to be one in love and made it pleasurable as an added bonus so we would want to do it and have children when we were ready to be a family in marriage.


have sex not being married, with any one you want. So why is this bad? Because it was never Gods intention that you get a sexually transmitted disease and possibly die from Aids. It was never his intention to have children out of wedlock and when this happens your partner not be responsible , but deserts you and the child doesn't have a loving home and their father and mother. The structure set up by God for the home.........or better yet your not ready to have a baby you go get an abortion that is murder. I could go on and on about the bad things that do happen , jealousy leading to murder and having to explain to the one you eventually marry just how many sexual partners you did have......and the problems from that......not being trusted by your mate. I'm sorry I'm done with this I could spend too much time telling you how God was protecting you from harm just from this one sin and there are many many more sins and bad results from not obeying God.

I mention earlier that God loves us and we can have our name in the book of life:

John 3:16-17 says " For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotton Son, that who so ever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world should be saved through him. This Son the bible speaks of is Jesus Christ. You may say I believe in God, do you know that is not enough......even Satan believes in God.....He used the be an angel of God called Lucifer that covered the Throne of God but He wanted to be like God Himself and be worshipped . Because of his sin God threw Satan and those angels that followed him out of heaven . About a third of the angels in heaven fell like the stars of heaven long ago.These angels of Satan we call Demons. You see in heaven there will be no sin! You say I'm not as bad as some people...I go to Church every sunday.......I belong to a certain church......I was baptised as a baby.... my mom or grandma was a Christian........The bible says in Isaiah 64:6 that our self rightousness before God is as filthy rags and are a stench in his nostrils. God says just because you think your better than someone else for any reason is rubbish to Him. You must be perfect without any sin Just as He is, we are born with a sinful nature. God says in Ephesians 2:8-9 " For by grace you are saved through faith; and that it's not of yourselves; it is a Free gift of God; NOT of WORKS, lest any man should boast."

Remember what I said earlier about God sending His Son into the world to give us eternal life.....Jesus died on the cross and God the Father laid the sin debt of the whole world on him on the cross. If you know anything about what Jesus went through for us , He suffered pure torture and anguish. Jesus died in our place, shed His blood and on the third day arose from the grave. He conquered death , sin and the grave.Why because He was God in the flesh..........Jesus was perfect, and sinless ..........and by His shed blood , dying on the cross , He alone paid our sin debt in full. This is the free gift God gave the world because of his love. It was by His grace, which means we do not deserve to be with Him in heaven , we deserve to die in our sins .........and spend eternity in Hell. And you can not do any thing in your power to deserve forgiveness. The bible says without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins. Romans 5:8 says "but God demonstrates His own love towards us, in that while we were sinners , Christ died for us.

Would you die for someone who hated you?.....We were all living sinful lives wanting nothing to do with God......but he died for us any way to pay our sin debt , because He Loved Us!

You see JESUS paid the price for our sins:

So you see your church can't save you , your good works can't save you !

What must you do to have eternal life have your sin debt paid in full and at the same time your name written in the Book of Life?

  1. Believe what the bible says to be true...admit your are a sinner in need of Jesus.

  2. Believe by FAITH in Jesus that he alone paid your sin debt by dying on the cross and shedding his blood for you.And that this is the only way to God.

  3. Believe that on the third day God raised Him from the grave to conquer Sin , Death and the Satan. That Jesus is ALIVE today.

  4. Accept his free gift of eternal life-Ask him for it

Repent from your sins and turn your life over to Him-Jesus. Which means you have a change of heart and turn from letting sin rule your life and now you obey God in his strength.

IF you put your FAITH in Jesus and Repent from your sins:

Jesus will give you eternal life , the Holy spirit will come into your spirit which is dead in sin , He will give you a new Spirit, one from God, the Holy Spirit that works in us , where by we want to do the things of God and know Him.This is what is called being BORN AGAIN. We will come alive with Himself, with a peace and Joy we have never known because we are no longer headed to Hell ........but live forever from this moment forth with God on our side.

Do you want to be forgiven now and have eternal life ? Then pray this pray to God NOW only if you mean it.

A sinners pray

Dear Lord Jesus , I confess that I am a sinner and need your free gift of eternal life. By faith I ask you to forgive me and come into my life. I turn from my sinful way and give you the rest of my life to obey you and let you become Lord of my life. Thank you Lord for dying for Me on the cross and shedding your blood and raising again on the third day......I confess that you are God and my Jesus name I pray amen

If you meant what you said when you prayed,believing, putting your faith in Jesus, He will come into your life. Your sins are forgiven and you are no longer under condemnation by God. Because you excepted Jesus free gift for your sins, He paid your penalty by His death on the cross. He said he will never leave you nor forsake you..........He will guide you into all truth.

What Now ?

Tell someone what you did, tell me.....Jesus said " if you confess me before others , I will confess you before My Father."

Get a Bible if you don't have one and read it. A good place to start is read the book of John.......This is how your faith in God Grows and you grow strong as a Christian. The Holy Spirit inside you now will guide you into all truth. The bible will also help you renew your mind from your old sinful patterns in your life.

If you do not have a Bible and you ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior because of this blog I will send you free a New Living Translation " Live It Now " New Testament paper back copy of the Bible. It has many helps in it to live the Christian life NOW. I am not personally promoting this bible for any reason other than to get a copy of God's word into your hands. Because it is important for your growth as a new Christian in the faith. Just email me with your address, by clicking on profile on the left. Praise God that you have made the choice to follow Christ. And your name is written in the Lambs book of Life.

Find a Christian Church that preaches the truth of the Bible to worship God..and fellowship with other Christians to grow. Ask God to lead you there.

Pray to God for direction in life , thank Him for what he has given you, confess sin that you yield to in your will never be perfect here on earth until you get to heaven......But in Gods eyes you are no longer condemned. Anything you ask or say to the Father , close your pray in Jesus name.

If you prayed the pray of faith you made the most important decision in life you will ever make.......where you will spend eternity.

WARNING !!!!!!

If you didn't, you choose to believe the lies Satan keeps telling you and the world. Look at your position in life this way, very dangerous...........You have both feet on the edge of the bottomless pit and as soon as you take your last breath here on earth , you fall head forward into eternity without another chance to be saved from eternal damnation and separation from God .......Pray to God Now to open your eyes because Satan has blinded you....before its to late!!

2 Corinthians 4:3-4 "if our Gospel is veiled( hidden) , it is veiled(hidden) to those who are perishing. In whose case the god of this world(Satan) has blinded the minds of the unbelieving, that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God."

Want to know just how terrible the crucifixion of Jesus Christ was? click on the following link:

No Greater LOVE for YOU and ME...........Thank You Jesus .

"Greater Love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends."

John 15:13.....Jesus words

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