Saturday, April 14, 2007

What must I do to go to HELL ? NOTHING !!!

That is absolutely Right ! You don't have to do a thing to go to Hell !

JUST DO NOTHING ! Some of you won't even read this all the way through and your headed there faster than the speed of light ! When you compare your life which the Bible calls but a vapor-ppoooof your dead and gone - Compared to Eternity!! Like I said " JUST DO NOTHING!"

  • You do not even have to believe in a real place called Hell: Even though the bible talks about it many times. Says it is a bottomless pit, fire and brimstone, outer darkness, pain and torment, lake of fire, weeping and gnashing of teeth, Eternal separation from God. I know what your thinking , there you bible-thumpers go again talking about Hell, like God would send someone like yourself to Hell. Its your decision where you go, He gave you a way out. Like I said "Just do nothing!" Luke 16:19-31

  • You do not even have to believe that the Bible is God's word: Even though the Bible claims to be the inspired word of God and even contains the words of Jesus Christ who claimed to be God . I know what your thinking, you Christians are always talking about the Bible as if its the TRUTH from God Himself. You know something you do not have to believe the Bible , the fact is you will still be judged and condemned by the very words in it. Like I said " Just do nothing!" 2 Timothy 3:16

  • You do not even have to believe in a real devil: Satan is his name, the bible calls him the father of lies, and in him is no truth. I know what your thinking, Like there's some guy running around with a pitch-fork in a red suit. No that's what he wants you to think so you will not believe he exists. Satan is a spiritual being , he seeks whom he may devour with his lies. So you can spend eternity in Hell with him. There you go again talking about Hell. Like I said " Just do nothing!" John 8:44

I will have to say , if you believe none of what I have said so far Satan has you just where he wants you!!!!

  • You do not even have to believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God : And that he DIED for your sins and shed his Blood on the CROSS 2000 years ago to pay our sin debt because He loved you and me. I know what your thinking, That we Christians think Jesus paid it all and you don't have to do anything but put your Faith in Him. And you don't believe it. Like I said "Just Do nothing!" John 3:16-17

  • You don't even have to believe that you are a sinner: Matter of fact if it were possible, which it is not,and you could stop sinning this very minute, you would still go there. Because God says we have ALL sinned and fallen short of His standards.He also said that you were born with a sin nature. I know what your thinking That your not as bad as some people you the way that word ALL Have Sinned means both YOU and Me need to do something about it. Like I said "Just Do Nothing!" Romans 3:23

  • You don't even have to believe a word I say To be True: You don't have to believe me , I'm just a messenger with a warning . I want you to check it out for yourself. I want you to find a Bible and ask God to show you the truth about everything I talked about here. Because He said if you seek Him with all your heart, you will find Him. I know what your thinking That you don't have time for all this ! Go ahead die in your sin ! Like I said " Just Do Nothing!" Jeremiah 29:13

If you read through this whole post and you have never accepted Jesus as your personal savior and been born again , You are to be CONGRATULATED ! I feel you may be seeking God and the Jesus that I speak of here is drawing you to Himself that you may believe in Him. For He alone can forgive you of sin and open your eyes to the new life. Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father except through Himself. John 14:6

If You would like to know how to have the new life in Jesus and be forgiven of your sins and know your going to heaven read my very first posting here " if what you were believing was wrong would you want to know the truth."

If you still reject the truth about going to Hell....Like I said, "Just do nothing" You may be thinking that I'm just trying to scare you.........No ! You may be scaring yourself because you know what I'm saying about Hell,the Bible, Devil, Jesus Christ, About your sinful nature and my witness about Jesus Christ is TRUE.You may sense the prompting and conviction of the Holy Spirit of God about sin also. Be thankful for His prompting and repent of your sins. Why? Because if you do not feel the prompting of God to Ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins...You are definitely at this moment one breath away from Hell, and eternal separation from God.


One Final WARNING !!

"For the word of the cross is to those who are perishing foolishness, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God" 1 Corinthians 1:18

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

A TRUE STORY: Send someone from the DEAD !!!

A Rich Man and Lazarus

There was a rich man and his lifestyle was spending all his time making money , so he could wear fine clothes, live in a nice house.He was a very Proud man. And his motto that he lived by was Eat, Drink & be Merry and he lived like there was no God. The love of God was not in him because he had no time for God, all he wanted was to have the things this world had to offer.

Then there was a poor and very ill man whose name was Lazarus. He was laid at the gate where the rich man lived, longing to be fed with the crumbs which were falling from the rich mans table. He was covered with sores on his body and the dogs would come and lick his open sores. Lazarus trusted God to be with him and meet his needs.

Now it came to pass that Lazarus died and the angels carried him to paradise ( To be with God). And the rich man died and was buried.

The rich man found himself in Hades (HELL) he looked up and being in Torment (Great pain, anguish,and harassment) he saw Abraham (of the old testament the father of the Jewish nation) and Lazarus who he remembered once being laid at his gate.

"And he cried out and said, Father Abraham , have mercy on me , and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool off my tongue: for I am in agony in this flame"

"But Abraham said, to the rich man remember that during your life you received your good things, and Lazarus received bad things; but now he is being comforted here, and you are in agony." Luke 16:24-25 You see the rich man made the decision to ignore the things of God here on earth, and he set up his heaven by his own hands , he received his just reward.

Abraham went on to say that there was a great Chasm fixed ( or expansion, wide opening) in order that those who wish to come over from hell , would not be able to. And that none could cross from where Abraham was to there. There is eternal separation from God and your loved ones who chose to put their faith in Jesus..........once your there, NO HOPE IS LEFT.

The rich man went on to say " Then I beg of you, send Lazarus to my fathers house for I have five brothers, that he may warn them, lest they come to this place of torment (HELL)"

I need to stop and say something right NOW ! I have heard music lyrics say leading many people to sing the song " I'm on the Highway To Hell " by ACDC and others who copy the song........But It doesn't sound to me like a place I would ever want to go to.....what about you? I hear people say when they get there meaning Hell there going to party and drink their brains out. That its going to be a big orgy or party. It doesn't sound like a party to me...unless you like going to a barbecue, being thrown into a fiery pit and your the meat for eternity!

Back to the story after the rich man ask that Lazarus be sent to his living five brothers so they would not end up in HELL with him, Abraham said They have Moses and the prophets: let them hear them. In other words they had the old testament , the word of God Almighty written by these men of God.

But the rich man did not give up he said , " No , Father Abraham , if someone one goes to them from the dead, then they will REPENT !" Luke16: 30 He was in such torment He did not want his family to end up in Hell with him. He was so desperate He wanted a dead man to be raised up to tell his brothers. Is that what it takes for you to repent?

By the way it was Jesus who told this story in Luke 16: 19-31. I took the liberty to paraphrase it to help you. So what is the ending to this story:

" if they do not listen to Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded if someone rises from the dead. " Luke 16:31

Jesus was saying is that Abraham statement was true. We have the inspired word of God telling us the truth about our sin , heaven and hell.....and so many of you still do not believe the words to be true. Jesus even was raised from the dead and testifies that His words are true, that He is God in the flesh and warns of Hell and still many of you still refuse to believe the truth . You would rather be like the rich man and spend all your time and energy in the things of this world and ignore God.

MY own story is I once was dead in sin and Now I'm alive in God............won't you see and hear the truth? And Obey God !

Monday, April 9, 2007


Living Unrighteous , Born in Sin

"do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? DO NOT be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God." 1 Corinthians 6: 9-10

"Now the deeds of the flesh (SIN) are evident which are ; immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarned you that those WHO PRACTICE such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God." Galatians 5:19-21

Just the fact you are born into this world, many of these things (SINS) are your life style, you practice or live like this day in and day out. You live like there is No God ! Why? Because you are born into this world as a natural , sinful person. Your spirit is hellbent towards the things of the flesh and sin.

Why you are born with the sin nature

"Therefore, just as through one man (Adam) sin entered into the world, and death through sin, so death spread to all men, NOW GET THIS! the rest of the verse because all sinned."
Romans 5:12
Back in the beginning Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden decided to disobey God or sin. By doing so they were kicked out of the garden and death began in their bodies because of sin. You can read about this in the first few chapters of Genesis in the bible.

The fact is you are a sinner

"for all have sinned and fall short of God's glorious standards." Romans 3:23 Do you see the word ALL in that verse? That means every one is born into sin and has disobeyed God and has the sinful corrupt nature at birth. Some of you will say "but I am not as bad as some people I know!" The bible says "For whoever keeps the commandments of God and yet breaks one of them, he is guilty of all." James 2:10 This says if you disobey God in any point, such as lying you are just as guilty as a murder because you have failed to keep a perfect sinless life before God. You are guilty of breaking all God's laws.

Let's take a closer look at the lifestyle of some and there meaning:

The word Practice means-A habitual or customary action or way of doing something or lifestyle or repeated performance. Remember the verse said Practice such things. PAY CLOSE ATTENTION NOW.......I am not speaking only to those persons who have never put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins and turned from them. I am speaking to those who think they are Christians and their Life Styles are like these that follow and practice them..........

  • fornicators.....those who have any kind of sex not being married

  • idolaters.........putting anything first before God or blind admiration or devotion for anything or someone. Worship for something other than God-Idols

  • of any kind with someone other than your married spouse only.

  • effeminate......examples..transexual, cross dresser, male prostitute

  • of any kind with the same gender

  • thieves...........stealing of any kind

  • desire excessively or crave for something or someone that belongs to another-greediness

  • drunkard....... under the influence of alcohol in any form on a regular basis, normal part of your lifestyle is to be under its influence

  • revilers..........someone who subjects others to abusive language of any kind , cursing and swearing, or foul, off color language jokes, foul obscene humor.

  • immorality....anything contrary to God's moral principals

  • impurity.......anything immoral or obscene, or not done with godly intentions, lewd behavior

  • sensuality.....satisfying your God given physical appetites to excess, other than God's intended way. Examples Sex, Gluttony, Sleep or laziness, etc.

  • sorcery.........involvement in the supernatural, horoscopes, palm reading tarot cards, witchcraft, spells, ouija boards, spirit guides, black or white magic, mystic religions, good luck charms, yoga, astral projection, and even listening to fortune tellers and psychics Even illegal drug has been put into this category.

  • enmities.....deep seated hatred or hostility towards people ....racism, religion, creed any reason. We are called to hate sin not the person.

  • strife.......bitter , often violent behavior towards others , fighting.

  • question the truth or the validity of; to doubt; to strive against God

  • cause discord within the body of Christ or the church, heresies

  • live your life in such a way to never be happy because of what others possess or have achieved in life or the advantages you think they have.

  • jealousy ...similar resentful of an others success. Different in that you fear losing that which you have also.

  • carousing.... being boisterous, drunken , taking part in unrestrained festivities. Or party party, party

Anything stand out in your mind from the list?

Is there something that you do over and over and is part of your lifestyle. The verse plainly said "those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God" meaning Go To Heaven! And it clearly warns "DO NOT BE DECEIVED" if any of these are your way of living! If you think your a Christian and you live as are living dangerous before God. You better examine your life before God and Confess your sins and turn from them.

If you have never ask Jesus to come into your life and forgive you of your sins.......Some of these are your ways of living, because you are born into sins grip over your life.......And you are Condemned all ready to death.........meaning eternal separation from God and Hell, the lake of fire.

Choose which side your on.......

"let no one deceive you; the one who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He (Jesus) is righteous; the one who practices sin is of the devil; for the devil has sinned from the beginning. The Son of God (Jesus) has come for this purpose, that He might destroy the works of the devil (Satan). No one who is born of God practices sin, because His Spirit abides in him; and he cannot continue to let sin reign over him, because he is born of God. By this the children of God and the children of the devil (Satan) are obvious; anyone who does not practice righteousness is not of God." 1 John 3:7-10 Did you notice these verses talked about being born of God? Have you ever heard the term being BORN AGAIN? Did you notice also You are either for God or for the devil?

It is impossible to live a righteous life , justified by God, without the Spirit of God giving you a new birth or Spirit of His divine nature. You receive this new birth by asking Jesus by faith to forgive you of your sins and you choose to turn from your sin , ask Him to be your Lord and Savior. It is not our righteousness that justifies us before God, but His in us.

For more information about being Born Again and being born of God read my first Blog.....If what you were believing was wrong , would you want to know the truth ?

What are the signs of being born of the Spirit of God ?

First of all, you surrender to God living a righteous and holy life before God because you now can . Why because the Holy Spirit of God is living in your spirit and sin no longer has control over you unless you give it control , its power has been broken by Jesus Christ living in you. Your old self is Hellbent towards evil and death and the new birth within you which is born from above and the divine nature of God, does the will of God. You can still sin, if you give into your old nature, but you won't be able to do it without stepping around the Holy Spirit of God that is the new life within you , because he will convict you of sin in your life. God will not take away your free will to choose. God is longsuffering and disciplines his children because he loves them.

Living by the Spirit of God...

"But the fruit (or evidence) of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control against such things there are no laws. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified (put to death) the flesh (sin) with its passions and desires. If we live by the Spirit, let us walk by the Spirit of God" Galatians 5:22-25 did you notice as long as we walk by the Spirit of God we have no laws......Why? Because it would be impossible to sin doing these things with a pure heart.

So who's side you on ?

Choose this day whom you will serve either God which leads to life everlasting or Satan which leads to death and Hell, eternal separation from God where there is NO HOPE !

Once again ....want to have your sins forgiven and walk in newness of life ...Read my first blog " If what you were believing was wrong would you want to now the truth"


" For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have eternal life" John 3:16