Let me ask you a real personal question . One from my heart to yours.
If you knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that there was a REAL place called Hell. What would you do to prevent everyone from spending eternity there ? After they died they would spend almost forever in the most horrid place you could ever imagine. Only to then be thrown into a lake of fire that the flames are never quenched forever. Would you shut up now and not tell them because they wouldn't believe you ? Would you risk being thought a lunatic ?
Did you know that Jesus Christ spoke of hell more than anyone ? Did you know Jesus Christ came to die in your place for the penalty of sin ? On the cross by shedding his blood ?
The Bible says there is no forgiveness of sin without the shedding of blood. That is why Jesus came to Earth , the perfect lamb of God the Son of God . Jesus Christ could pay the price for your sin because He was God and He was without sin. Why would he do this for you ? Because He loved us enough to give His life for us. He took our punishment on the cross 2000 years ago . And the good news is this. Jesus is not dead ! He conquered death and the grave and rose on the 3rd day . Death could not hold Him because he is God.
Do you know what happens to you if you die today without Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and Lord ? The grave will hold you and your spirit is sent directly to Hell !!! That's right Hell !! Whether you believe Hell exists doesn't matter , because Jesus Christ the Son of God said it exists. And how does He know ? Because He created it for the devil and his evil angels long ago.
Everything I am telling you is found in the Bible , the word of God. I didn't use the verse references because it may run you away. And I wanted you to get the truth from my heart to yours. Did you know that I am not telling you these things because I want you to join my church or be able to call yourself a Christian ? I do not get a bigger place in heaven if you accept Jesus as Lord . No ! I just get to know someday that you will escape eternal torment in Hell. And Believe it or not , thats enough for me.
So give the video a chance , watch it through. Want to know more about the love Jesus Christ has for you and how to never end up in Hell ? Visit my blog on knowing the truth about these things . I pray that God has spoken to your heart through mine.
Click this link http://cope-strivingtobringthetruth.blogspot.com/2007_04_01_archive.html
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