A Rich Man and Lazarus
There was a rich man and his lifestyle was spending all his time making money , so he could wear fine clothes, live in a nice house.He was a very Proud man. And his motto that he lived by was Eat, Drink & be Merry and he lived like there was no God. The love of God was not in him because he had no time for God, all he wanted was to have the things this world had to offer.
Then there was a poor and very ill man whose name was Lazarus. He was laid at the gate where the rich man lived, longing to be fed with the crumbs which were falling from the rich mans table. He was covered with sores on his body and the dogs would come and lick his open sores. Lazarus trusted God to be with him and meet his needs.
Now it came to pass that Lazarus died and the angels carried him to paradise ( To be with God). And the rich man died and was buried.
The rich man found himself in Hades (HELL) he looked up and being in Torment (Great pain, anguish,and harassment) he saw Abraham (of the old testament the father of the Jewish nation) and Lazarus who he remembered once being laid at his gate.
"And he cried out and said, Father Abraham , have mercy on me , and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool off my tongue: for I am in agony in this flame"
"But Abraham said, to the rich man remember that during your life you received your good things, and Lazarus received bad things; but now he is being comforted here, and you are in agony." Luke 16:24-25 You see the rich man made the decision to ignore the things of God here on earth, and he set up his heaven by his own hands , he received his just reward.
Abraham went on to say that there was a great Chasm fixed ( or expansion, wide opening) in order that those who wish to come over from hell , would not be able to. And that none could cross from where Abraham was to there. There is eternal separation from God and your loved ones who chose to put their faith in Jesus..........once your there, NO HOPE IS LEFT.
The rich man went on to say " Then I beg of you, send Lazarus to my fathers house for I have five brothers, that he may warn them, lest they come to this place of torment (HELL)"
I need to stop and say something right NOW ! I have heard music lyrics say leading many people to sing the song " I'm on the Highway To Hell " by ACDC and others who copy the song........But It doesn't sound to me like a place I would ever want to go to.....what about you? I hear people say when they get there meaning Hell there going to party and drink their brains out. That its going to be a big orgy or party. It doesn't sound like a party to me...unless you like going to a barbecue, being thrown into a fiery pit and your the meat for eternity!
Back to the story after the rich man ask that Lazarus be sent to his living five brothers so they would not end up in HELL with him, Abraham said They have Moses and the prophets: let them hear them. In other words they had the old testament , the word of God Almighty written by these men of God.
But the rich man did not give up he said , " No , Father Abraham , if someone one goes to them from the dead, then they will REPENT !" Luke16: 30 He was in such torment He did not want his family to end up in Hell with him. He was so desperate He wanted a dead man to be raised up to tell his brothers. Is that what it takes for you to repent?
By the way it was Jesus who told this story in Luke 16: 19-31. I took the liberty to paraphrase it to help you. So what is the ending to this story:
" if they do not listen to Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded if someone rises from the dead. " Luke 16:31
Jesus was saying is that Abraham statement was true. We have the inspired word of God telling us the truth about our sin , heaven and hell.....and so many of you still do not believe the words to be true. Jesus even was raised from the dead and testifies that His words are true, that He is God in the flesh and warns of Hell and still many of you still refuse to believe the truth . You would rather be like the rich man and spend all your time and energy in the things of this world and ignore God.
MY own story is I once was dead in sin and Now I'm alive in God............won't you see and hear the truth? And Obey God !
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